Benefits of private lessons:
1) One-on-one instruction geared to individuals needs and goals.
- Specific self-defense concerns.
- Preparation for upcoming events, such as tournaments, travel etc..
- Personalized fitness training.
2) Instructor will go at students pace and teach material that is best suited for that student.
- One will be able progress at a faster pace, instead of possibly being held back by the learning pace of others in class.
3) Advanced Training
- If you are an Advanced students you are motivated to learn new skills. Private lessons would assist you with learning or perfecting more advanced techniques, Private lessons are also a great way for you to perfect complex skills, such as complicated moves. As an advanced student, private lessons will help you remain motivated and excited about your regular classes as well as your private sessions.
4) Fill in Missing Time.
- If you find that you are required to take some time off from your training; perhaps due to an extended vacation or recovery from an injury; you may find it difficult to return to class, as you may feel that you’ve fallen behind your peers. It is often more intimidating for students to return after an extended absence than it was to come in for their first class. Private lessons offer you the chance to catch up on material that you may have missed, which also makes it easier for you to get back into their your training routine.
5) Overcome Fear or Lack of Confidence. Additionally, we find that students may desire private lessons as a way to build confidence and reduce fear. Spending additional time with your instructor in a private lesson can help you learn techniques without the self consciousness that comes with being in a group.
- Once you learn the techniques well in the private lessons, your self confidence will grow. Many shy students will come out of their shells after a few sessions with the instructor.
- You may also be afraid of activities such as sparring. Private lessons can help alleviate that fear by allowing you to learn at your own pace in a non threatening, controlled environment. Working on sparring techniques, combinations and movement can help prepare and give you the confidence that you need to participate in a sparring class with other students.
6) Scheduling Conflicts.
- Private lessons are an important option for busy professionals whose busy or diverse schedules sometimes prevent them from attending regular classes on a set schedule.